Robots, we're excited to share that we're engaged in advisory meetings with influential leaders from various projects across the

05 Sep 2023, 09:40
Robots, we're excited to share that we're engaged in advisory meetings with influential leaders from various projects across the sector, representing over $17 billion in capital. These meetings focus specifically on oversight and advisory roles for the Hecate platform and aim to unify the sector behind a simple belief: This sector needs regulation—BUT WE CAN REGULATE OURSELVES. What does this mean in the long term? If a large #DeFi protocol fails and needs a bailout, the sector will be capable of BAILING ITSELF OUT. This eliminates a major argument used by many to advocate for increased centralization within the cryptocurrency sector. That argument dies today. This collaboration signals a unified vision for self-regulation within our industry, positioning $NFAI and $N as pivotal players in this evolving landscape. On the partnership front, we have exciting news! A strategic alliance with, backed by @Binance , is in the pipeline. This collaboration will offer you the flexibility to spend your tokens on enriching travel experiences. Additionally, we're in the negotiation stages with, paving the way for even more diverse utility and broader acceptance of our tokens. Each of these initiatives epitomizes our unwavering commitment to community-driven development, token utility expansion, and collaborative industry efforts. And for our community? Get ready for a one-of-a-kind lottery during our launch week. $NFAi stakers will have the chance to earn 1% from all collected taxes, serving not only to engage the community but also to boost token demand. We may also have another fundraising round in the works to bootstrap our insurance pool, enabling us to start saving the sector from day one. More details to come. 👀👀 Hecate Prosperis, The Lab

Same news in other sources

06 Sep 2023, 20:49
What happens in the #DeFi landscape when an event on the scale of Silicon Valley Bank occurs? If a platform like @AaveAave collapses, who has the authority to intervene without external influence from outside the crypto space? Currently, no one has the mandate or ability to act without jeopardizing their own standing. This is where Hecate steps in, establishing a paradigm that genuinely works. Many influential figures are keen to see us succeed; frankly, no one else has positioned themselves to tackle this unique challenge. Within the Hecate framework, wallets can apply for assistance. It's the $NFAI holders who determine the outcome. However, these applicants need $N tokens to participate. This establishes a cycle in which entities accumulate $N, thus enhancing the power of the DAO as the insurance pool expands. As these entities gather $N, the circulating supply of $NFAI decreases, and its price increases due to the required purchases for burns. It's a simple concept, and it's surprising that no one has tried it before. Could it be that some large entities want us to fail? The battle for decentralization has already begun. Those here will be leading it. If you're not up for the challenge, it's best to leave now. We're uniting the sector for this cause, with or without you. Stay tuned. $N $NFAI #Hecate
What happens in the #DeFi landscape when an event on the scale of Silicon Valley Bank occurs.
What happens in the #DeFi landscape when an event on the scale of Silicon Valley Bank occurs? If a platform like @AaveAave collapses, who has the authority to intervene without external influence from outside the crypto space? Currently, no one has the mandate or ability to act without jeopardizing their own standing. This is where Hecate steps in, establishing a paradigm that genuinely works. Many influential figures are keen to see us succeed; frankly, no one else has positioned themselves to tackle this unique challenge. Within the Hecate framework, wallets can apply for assistance. It's the $NFAI holders who determine the outcome. However, these applicants need $N tokens to participate. This establishes a cycle in which entities accumulate $N, thus enhancing the power of the DAO as the insurance pool expands. As these entities gather $N, the circulating supply of $NFAI decreases, and its price increases due to the required purchases for burns. It's a simple concept, and it's surprising that no one has tried it before. Could it be that some large entities want us to fail? The battle for decentralization has already begun. Those here will be leading it. If you're not up for the challenge, it's best to leave now. We're uniting the sector for this cause, with or without you. Stay tuned. $N $NFAI #Hecate
06 Sep 2023, 14:24
Self-regulation is coming to the #DeFi sector this month with $N. Hecate offers the crypto world its first decentralized 'safety net,' a structure resembling a decentralized SEC, but better. We are the forerunners in a war for decentralization, and we're building this safer, more profitable financial future with or without you. The question is, will you be on the sidelines or at the heart of the revolution? $N $NFAI #Hecate
Self-regulation is coming to the #DeFi sector this month with $N.
Self-regulation is coming to the #DeFi sector this month with $N. Hecate offers the crypto world its first decentralized 'safety net,' a structure resembling a decentralized SEC, but better. We are the forerunners in a war for decentralization, and we're building this safer, more profitable financial future with or without you. The question is, will you be on the sidelines or at the heart of the revolution? $N $NFAI #Hecate
05 Sep 2023, 14:51
Robots, we're excited to share that we're engaged in advisory meetings with influential leaders from various projects across the sector, representing over $17 billion in capital. These meetings focus specifically on oversight and advisory roles for the Hecate platform and aim to unify the sector behind a simple belief: This sector needs regulation—BUT WE CAN REGULATE OURSELVES. What does this mean in the long term? If a large #DeFi protocol fails and needs a bailout, the sector will be capable of BAILING ITSELF OUT. This eliminates a major argument used by many to advocate for increased centralization within the cryptocurrency sector. That argument dies today. This collaboration signals a unified vision for self-regulation within our industry, positioning $NFAI and $N as pivotal players in this evolving landscape. On the partnership front, we have exciting news! A strategic alliance with, backed by @Binance , is in the pipeline. This collaboration will offer you the flexibility to spend your tokens on enriching travel experiences. Additionally, we're in the negotiation stages with, paving the way for even more diverse utility and broader acceptance of our tokens. Each of these initiatives epitomizes our unwavering commitment to community-driven development, token utility expansion, and collaborative industry efforts. And for our community? Get ready for a one-of-a-kind lottery during our launch week. $NFAi stakers will have the chance to earn 1% from all collected taxes, serving not only to engage the community but also to boost token demand. We may also have another fundraising round in the works to bootstrap our insurance pool, enabling us to start saving the sector from day one. More details to come. 👀👀 Hecate Prosperis, The Lab
Robots, we're excited to share that we're engaged in advisory meetings with influential leaders from various projects across the
Robots, we're excited to share that we're engaged in advisory meetings with influential leaders from various projects across the sector, representing over $17 billion in capital. These meetings focus specifically on oversight and advisory roles for the Hecate platform and aim to unify the sector behind a simple belief: This sector needs regulation—BUT WE CAN REGULATE OURSELVES. What does this mean in the long term? If a large #DeFi protocol fails and needs a bailout, the sector will be capable of BAILING ITSELF OUT. This eliminates a major argument used by many to advocate for increased centralization within the cryptocurrency sector. That argument dies today. This collaboration signals a unified vision for self-regulation within our industry, positioning $NFAI and $N as pivotal players in this evolving landscape. On the partnership front, we have exciting news! A strategic alliance with, backed by @Binance , is in the pipeline. This collaboration will offer you the flexibility to spend your tokens on enriching travel experiences. Additionally, we're in the negotiation stages with, paving the way for even more diverse utility and broader acceptance of our tokens. Each of these initiatives epitomizes our unwavering commitment to community-driven development, token utility expansion, and collaborative industry efforts. And for our community? Get ready for a one-of-a-kind lottery during our launch week. $NFAi stakers will have the chance to earn 1% from all collected taxes, serving not only to engage the community but also to boost token demand. We may also have another fundraising round in the works to bootstrap our insurance pool, enabling us to start saving the sector from day one. More details to come. 👀👀 Hecate Prosperis, The Lab