The very essence of crypto and its potential for revolution is at a critical juncture.

02 Oct 2023, 17:59
The very essence of crypto and its potential for revolution is at a critical juncture. If we don't take control and self-regulate, the foundational spirit of crypto could be lost forever. Satoshi birthed Bitcoin not just as a new form of money, but as a response to traditional centralized systems. Inspired by Satoshi's groundbreaking vision, the crypto community has always risen to challenges, but now we face possibly our toughest yet. Institutions are hoarding #BTC, all while pushing their own agenda under the guise of CBDC regulations. They claim it's for our safety, but isn't the endgame clear? They want to cage the very essence of what Satoshi set free. There are forces at play, wanting to keep you blind to the true potential of crypto, wanting you to believe that decentralization is just a dream. They'd prefer a world where we're told that we can't self-regulate, that we can't decide our own fate. Many have forgotten the true ethos of DeFi, which is to replace the traditional financial sector by creating decentralized versions of their traditional counterparts. But we have an answer: $N. A vision that aligns with Satoshi's original blueprint for #BTC and empowers us to self-regulate. LONG LIVE #DEFI